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MammalBase - Reference: Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636.

Reference: Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636.

Reference: Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636.
Type: journal-article
First author: Wimberly, A.
Year: 2023
Title: Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements
Container title: Journal of Morphology
Volume: 284
Issue: 10
Page(s): -
Citation: Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636.
DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21636

Table 1. List of attributes and the related Standard Traits in Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636..
Source Trait Standard Trait
R4-DW (distal width of the radius) n/a
C8-HST (height of sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus) n/a
U1-UL (length of the ulna) n/a
MC3-MML (mediolateral midshaft of the metacarpus) n/a
A2-MML (maximum medial length of the astragalus) n/a
H1-UL (full length of the humerus) n/a
R3-NPW (width of humeral articular surface of the radius) n/a
C7-HSF (height of sustentacular facet of the calcaneus) n/a
T4-DW (distal width of the tibia) n/a
MC2-MAP (anteroposterior midshaft of the metacarpus) n/a
A1-MLL (maximum lateral length of the astragalus) n/a
F9-LPL (lateral condyle and patellar lip of the femur) n/a
R2-PW (full proximal width of the radius) n/a
C6-CNFL (cubonavicular facet length of the calcaneus) n/a
T3-PW (proximal width of the tibia) n/a
MC1-UL (length of the metacarpus) n/a
F8-MPL (medial condyle and patellar lip of the femur) n/a
R1-UL (length of the radius) n/a
C5-FFL (fibular facet length of the calcaneus) n/a
H9-DW (distal width of the humerus) n/a
T2-MCF (midshaft circumference of the tibia) n/a
F7-DW (distal width of the femur) n/a
MT5-PW (proximal width of the metatarsus) n/a
C4-MBTV (midbody transverse width of the calcaneus) n/a
H8-MLH (mediolateral humeral head width of the humerus) n/a
T1-L (full length of the tibia) n/a
F6-APHW (anteroposterior femoral head of the femur) n/a
MT4-DW (distal width of the metatarsus) n/a
C3-MBH (midbody height of the calcaneus) n/a
H7-PW (proximal width of the humerus) n/a
S5-GW (mediolateral glenoid fossa of the scapula) n/a
F5-MLHW (mediolateral femoral head of the femur) n/a
MT3-MML (mediolateral midshaft of the metatarsus) n/a
C2-TL (length of body of the calcaneus) n/a
H6-LTH (largest lateral height of trochlea of the humerus) n/a
F4-PW (proximal width of the femur) n/a
S4-GH (anteroposterior glenoid fossa of the scapula) n/a
MT2-MAP (anteroposterior midshaft of the metatarsus) n/a
C1-UL (greatest length of the calcaneus) n/a
H5-MidTH (smallest height of trochlea of the humerus) n/a
S3-SW (shortest length of scapular neck of the scapula) n/a
F3-MCF (midshaft circumference of the femur) n/a
MT1-UL (length of the metatarsus) n/a
A5-WAF (width at trochlea of the astragalus) n/a
H4-MTH (largest medial height of trochlea of the humerus) n/a
S2-GW (greatest cranio-caudal length of the scapula) n/a
F2-FL (functional length of the femur) n/a
MC5-PW (proximal width of the metacarpus) n/a
A4-WAT (width at tarsus of the astragalus) n/a
H3-MCF (midshaft circumference of the humerus) n/a
S1-L (full length of the scapula) n/a
F1-UL (full length of the femur) n/a
U2-OPL (olecranon process length of the ulna) n/a
MC4-DW (distal width of the metacarpus) n/a
A3-MIN (minimal length of the astragalus) n/a
H2-FL (functional length of the humerus) n/a
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)
Body Mass Body Mass (BM)

Table 2. List of Data Sources linked with Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636..
Data Source
Wimberly, A.N., 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology, 284(10), p.e21636.

Table 3. List of Accepted Taxa in Wimberly, A. 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology. 284(10), pp.None. Available at: 10.1002/jmor.21636..
Accepted Taxon a. Rank b. Relation Status Data Status
Antilocapra americana Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Aepyceros melampus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Connochaetes gnou Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Connochaetes taurinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Damaliscus lunatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Damaliscus pygargus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Antidorcas marsupialis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Antilope cervicapra Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Eudorcas rufifrons Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Eudorcas thomsonii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gazella bennettii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gazella dorcas Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gazella gazella Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gazella spekei Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gazella subgutturosa Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Litocranius walleri Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Madoqua guentheri Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Madoqua kirkii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Madoqua saltiana Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Nanger dama Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Nanger granti Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Nanger soemmerringii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ourebia ourebi Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Raphicerus campestris Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Raphicerus sharpei Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Saiga tatarica Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ammotragus lervia Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Budorcas taxicolor Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Capra falconeri Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Capra sibirica Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Capricornis crispus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Capricornis sumatraensis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Hemitragus jemlahicus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Naemorhedus goral Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ovibos moschatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ovis canadensis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ovis dalli Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Pseudois nayaur Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Cephalophus silvicultor Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Philantomba monticola Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Sylvicapra grimmia Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Addax nasomaculatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Hippotragus niger Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Oryx dammah Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Oryx gazella Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Oryx leucoryx Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Neotragus moschatus (Nesotragus moschatus) Species 51: Name variant or misspelling of the taxon Verified - Accepted
Oreotragus oreotragus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Kobus ellipsiprymnus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Kobus megaceros Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Kobus vardonii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Redunca arundinum Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tetracerus quadricornis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bison bison Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bison bonasus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bos javanicus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bos sauveli Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bubalus depressicornis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Bubalus mindorensis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus angasii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus eurycerus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus imberbis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus scriptus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus spekii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Alces alces Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Capreolus capreolus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Hydropotes inermis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Blastocerus dichotomus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Mazama americana Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Mazama gouazoubira Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Mazama rufina Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Odocoileus hemionus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Odocoileus virginianus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Ozotoceros bezoarticus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Pudu mephistophiles Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Pudu puda Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rangifer tarandus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Axis axis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Axis porcinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Cervus elaphus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Cervus nippon Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Dama dama Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Elaphurus davidianus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rucervus duvaucelii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rucervus eldii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rusa marianna Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rusa timorensis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rusa unicolor Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Elaphodus cephalophus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus atherodes Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus muntjak Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus reevesi Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Giraffa camelopardalis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa (Giraffa giraffa) Subspecies (Species) 3: Genus, Species = Master genus, subspecies Verified - Accepted
Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata (Giraffa reticulata) Subspecies (Species) 3: Genus, Species = Master genus, subspecies Verified - Accepted
Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi (Giraffa tippelskirchi) Subspecies (Species) 3: Genus, Species = Master genus, subspecies Verified - Accepted
Okapia johnstoni Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Moschus berezovskii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragulus javanicus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragulus kanchil Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tragulus napu Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Neotragus moschatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Pudu mephistophiles (Pudu mephistopheles) Species 61: Genus, Species = Master genus, species synonym Verified - Accepted
Tragelaphus spekii (Tragelaphus spekei) Species 51: Name variant or misspelling of the taxon Verified - Accepted

a., b. Accepted Taxa, original entries in parentheses.