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MammalBase - Database of mammals

MammalBase - Mammals

Zepra - Equus quagga
Jackal - Canis mesomelas
Waterbuck - Kobus ellipsiprymnus

Our scope is in the resent species of the class Mammalia.

We follow the taxonomy of Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M. eds., 2005. Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference (Vol. 1). JHU Press.

Therefore, we match all taxa in our Data Sources against Wilson & Reeder, 2005.

Table 1. Ten latest measurement Data Sources added to MammalBase.
Date Reference
2024-10-14 Diersing, V.E., 2024. The Tuckahoe Masked Shrew, Sorex cinereus nigriculus Green, 1932, Warrants Recognition as a Distinct Subspecies. Northeastern Naturalist, 31(3), pp.339-354.
2024-10-09 Juhn, M.S., Balisi, M.A., Doughty, E.M., Friscia, A.R., Howenstine, A.O., Jacquemetton, C., Marcot, J., Nugen, S. and Van Valkenburgh, B., 2024. Cenozoic climate change and the evolution of North American mammalian predator ecomorphology. Paleobiology, pp.1-10.
2024-10-07 Jiang, H., Wang, X., Yang, Y., Pan, X., Liu, S. and Lu, J., 2024. Tscherskia ningshaanensis: A neglected species based on phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis of Tscherskia and Cansumys (Cricetidae, Rodentia). Zoosystematics and Evolution, 100(4), pp.1231-1241.
2024-09-30 Bonvicino, C.R., Pires, C., Lanes, R.O. and Faria, M.B., 2024. The rare rodent genus Rhagomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae): biogeographical patterns and description of a new species. Mammal Research, pp.1-17.
2024-09-26 Patterson, B.D., Demos, T.C., Torrent, L., Grunwald, A.L., Montauban, C., Kerbis Peterhans, J.C., McDonough, M.M., Dick, C.W., Bartonjo, M., Schoeman, M.C. and Ruedas, L.A., 2024. Systematics of the Rhinolophus landeri complex, with evidence for 3 additional Afrotropical bat species. Journal of Mammalogy, p.gyae085.
2024-06-13 Rickart, E.A., Rowsey, D.M., Ibañez, J.C., Quidlat, R.S., Balete, D.S. and Heaney, L.R., 2024. A new species of the endemic Tarsomys clade (Muridae, Rodentia) from eastern Mindanao Island, Philippines. Journal of Mammalogy, p.gyae051.
2024-06-04 Álvarez-Castañeda, S.T., 2024. Morphological variation in the Cerralvo Island pocket mouse Chaetodipus siccus from the Baja California Peninsula, México. THERYA, 15(2), pp.218-218.
2024-05-03 Garbino, G.S., Paes, J.A., Saldanha, J., Alves, T.S., Semedo, T.B., Rosa, A.R.D. and Velazco, P.M., 2024. Notes on the distribution, morphology, and phylogenetics of Platyrrhinus incarum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Brazil, and confirmation that Platyrrhinus helleri does not occur in the country. Zoologia (Curitiba), 41, p.e23044.
2024-05-03 Oliveira, M.B.D., Povill, C., Oliveira, L.F.B.D. and Bonvicino, C.R., 2024. Phylogeography and potential distribution of Sturnira lilium and S. giannae (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) with range extension for S. giannae in the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes. Zoologia (Curitiba), 41, p.e23061.
2024-04-18 Freudenthal, M. and Martín-Suárez, E., 2013. Estimating body mass of fossil rodents. Scripta Geologica, 145, pp.1-513.