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MammalBase - Reference: Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085.

Reference: Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085.

Reference: Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085.
Type: journal-article
First author: Weisbecker, V.
Year: 2023
Title: Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium
Container title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Volume: 378
Issue: 1880
Page(s): -
Citation: Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085

Table 1. List of attributes and the related Standard Traits in Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085..
Source Trait Standard Trait
Body_mass_g Body Mass (BM)
Diet Dietary category: Miljutin 2009
Locomotion Locomotion: Eisenberg 1981

Table 2. List of Data Sources linked with Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085..
Data Source
Weisbecker, V., Beck, R.M., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A.R., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M.S., Mardon, K. and Phillips, M.J., 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1880), p.20220085.

Table 3. List of Accepted Taxa in Weisbecker, V., Beck, R., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M., Mardon, K., Phillips, M. 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 378(1880), pp.None. Available at: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0085..
Accepted Taxon a. Rank b. Relation Status Data Status
Acrobates pygmaeus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Aepyprymnus rufescens Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Antechinus flavipes Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Caluromys derbianus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Chironectes minimus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Dactylopsila trivirgata Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Dasyurus viverrinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Dendrolagus inustus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Didelphis marsupialis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Didelphis virginiana Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Distoechurus pennatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Dromiciops gliroides Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Echymipera kalubu Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gracilinanus agilis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Gracilinanus microtarsus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Hemibelideus lemuroides Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Hypsiprymnodon moschatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Isoodon obesulus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lestoros inca Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lutreolina crassicaudata Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Macrotis lagotis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Marmosa mexicana Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Marmosa murina Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Marmosa robinsoni Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Marmosops incanus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Marmosops noctivagus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Monodelphis brevicaudata Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Monodelphis domestica Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Myrmecobius fasciatus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Notoryctes caurinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Perameles nasuta Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Petauroides volans Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Petaurus australis Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Petaurus breviceps Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Petrogale xanthopus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Phalanger mimicus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Phalanger vestitus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Phascogale tapoatafa Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Philander andersoni Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Philander opossum Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Planigale ingrami Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Potorous tridactylus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Pseudocheirus peregrinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Rhyncholestes raphanurus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Sarcophilus harrisii Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Sminthopsis murina Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Tarsipes rostratus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Thylacinus cynocephalus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Thylamys elegans Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Thylamys pallidior Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Thylogale stigmatica Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Trichosurus vulpecula Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Vombatus ursinus Species 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted

a., b. Accepted Taxa, original entries in parentheses.