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MammalBase - News

MammalBase - News

A group of Bachelor of Science students at the University of Helsinki specialising in software engineering successfully integrated the "Export" functionality into the MammalBase interface.

This newly introduced feature enables data exports of Measurements in ETS (Ecological Trait-data Standard) format.

In addition, the group integrated a new "Import" functionality, Proximate Analysis, into the MammalBase interface.

A group of Bachelor of Science students at the University of Helsinki specialising in software engineering successfully integrated the "Import" functionality into the MammalBase interface.

This newly introduced feature enables data imports of Diet Sets and Traits and Measurements.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us.

Currently, we are testing this new platform and we will add more data and functionalities as we proceed.

If you are interested in collaborating and sharing your mammal measurement/trait/diet data or if you are interested in being a curator of a specific taxonomic group or a mammalian trait please contact the first author of Lintulaakso et al., 2022. stating your name, current affiliation, area of expertise and your ORCID. Or, if you feel that you have some extra time to spare with coding the user interface, please contact us.