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MammalBase - Diets

MammalBase - Diets

Zepra - Equus quagga
Jackal - Canis mesomelas
Waterbuck - Kobus ellipsiprymnus

We have collected dietary information for 4985 mammalian taxa. This data includes 6050 Diet Sets which are separate lists of mammalian diets based on the data reference, location, gender, study time and time of year (see Table 1 for the latest additions).

Currently, we have 26561 Diet Set Items that represent 6186 different Food Items.

Table 1. Ten latest Diet Sets added to MammalBase.
Date Taxon Location Method Period Months Reference
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Upper-hill zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Upper-hill zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Upper-hill zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Upper-hill zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.
2024-04-04 Canis lupus Mountainous zone: Lombard Apennines, Northern Apennines, Italy Scat contents: mean percent volume (VM%) nan 12 Torretta, E., Brangi, A., Meriggi, A. 2024. Changes in Wolf Occupancy and Feeding Habits in the Northern Apennines: Results of Long-Term Predator–Prey Monitoring. Animals. 14(5), pp.735. Available at: 10.3390/ani14050735.