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MammalBase - Standard Trait: greatest length of skull (GLS)

Standard Trait: greatest length of skull (GLS)

Standard Trait: greatest length of skull (GLS)
Name: greatest length of skull (GLS)
Unit: length: millimetre (mm)
Reference: Palmeirim, J.M., 1998. Analysis of skull measurements and measurers: can we use data obtained by various observers?. Journal of Mammalogy, 79(3), pp.1021-1028.

Table 1. List of Standard Trait values for Taxon: greatest length of skull (GLS) (mm).
Trait value Description
There are no Standard Trait values available. This may be a Measured Trait.

Table 2. List of Source Traits related with Taxon: greatest length of skull (GLS) (mm).
Source Trait Reference
Taxon - Greatest Length of Skull (GLS) - Greatest distance from the occiput to the anteriormost point on the premaxilla (including the incisors). Esquivel, D.A., Pereira, M.J.R., Stuhler, J.D., R…
Taxon - GLS: greatest length of skull Funakoshi, K., Cheng, H.C., Tamura, H. and Hsu, C…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Rengifo, E.M., D'Elía, G., García, G., Charpentie…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Diaz, S. and Pacheco, V., 2022. Confirmation of t…
Taxon - GLS: Greatest length of skull; From the apex of the upper internal incisors to the occiput. Novaes, R.L.M., Cláudio, V.C., Díaz, M.M., Wilson…
Taxon - Greatest length of skull (GLS) Distance from the posteriormost point on the occiput to the anteriormost point on the premaxilla (excluding the incisors). Rodriguez-Segovia, M.A., 2022. New records of Stu…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Okabe, S., Shinohara, A. and Motokawa, M., 2023. …
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Grunwald, A.L., Demos, T.C., Nguéagni, Y., Tchamb…
Taxon - greatest length of skull, excluding incisors (GLS) Juste, J., Torrent, L., Méndez-Rodríguez, A., How…
Taxon - greatest length of skull, excluding incisors (GLS) Juste, J., Torrent, L., Méndez-Rodríguez, A., How…
Taxon - greatest length of the skull (GLS) Chen, Z., Pei, X., Song, J., Song, W., Shi, Z., O…
Taxon - Greatest length of skull (GLS): Distance from the posteriormost point on the occiput to the anteriormost point on the premaxilla (excluding the incisors). Biganzoli-Rangel, Alejandro José, Omar Daniel Leo…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS), henceforth referred to as skull length, distance from the anterior edge of the premaxillae to the most posterior point of the cranium MOLINARI, J., GUTIÉRREZ, E.E. and LIM, B.K., 2023…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Xu, Y., Hu, J., Shi, Z., Chen, W., Zhou, J., Zhan…
Taxon - greatest length of skull including incisors (GLS) Barquez, R.M., Tomasco, I.H., Sánchez, R.T., Boer…
Taxon - the greatest length of the skull excluding incisors (GLS) RAMÍREZ-CHAVES, H.E., ALARCÓN CIFUENTES, M.A.L.L.…
Taxon - GLS, greatest skull length (excluding incisors) Ramírez-Fráncel, L.A., García-Herrera, L.V., Losa…
Taxon - Greatest Length of skull (GLS) Markovska, O., 2023. IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIES OF…
Taxon - GLS: Greatest length of skull Biswas, J.K. and Motokawa, M., 2023. Morphometric…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Poma-Urey, J.L., Salvatierra, L.H.A., Malpartida,…
Taxon - Greatest Skull (GS) Juan Ramón Boyero, Olvido Tejedor, 2023. Long-ter…
Taxon - Greatest length of the skull Zhao, S., Wang, X., Li, B.V., Dou, L., Liu, Y., Y…
Taxon - Greatest length of skull Sales, J., Pilatti, P., Zortéa, M., Costa, R.C. a…
Taxon - Greatest length of skull (GLS) Camacho, M.A., Menendez-Guerrero, P.A., Horvath, …
Taxon - Greatest skull length Mônico, P.I. and Soto-Centeno, J.A., 2024. Phylog…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) González-Ruiz, N., Nava, E., Ramírez-Pulido, J., …
Taxon - GtL: Greatest length of skull Abi-Said, M.R., Al-Zein, M.S. and Lebanon, B., 20…
Taxon - greatest length of skull (GLS) Garbino, G.S., Hernández-Canchola, G., León-Pania…
Taxon - Greatest length of skull (mm) Razgour, O., Ibáñez, C., Puechmaille, S.J. and Ju…