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MammalBase - Reference: Adegbola, A.A., Smith, O.B. and Okeudo, N.J., 1986. Responses of West African Dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diets. Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-Product Materials as Animal Feed Resources in Africa, p.357.

Reference: Adegbola, A.A., Smith, O.B. and Okeudo, N.J., 1986. Responses of West African Dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diets. Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-Product Materials as Animal Feed Resources in Africa, p.357.

Reference: Adegbola, A.A., Smith, O.B. and Okeudo, N.J., 1986. Responses of West African Dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diets. Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-Product Materials as Animal Feed Resources in Africa, p.357.
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Title: Adegbola,AA, 1990, Response of West African dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diet,
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Citation: Adegbola, A.A., Smith, O.B. and Okeudo, N.J., 1986. Responses of West African Dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diets. Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-Product Materials as Animal Feed Resources in Africa, p.357.
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Table 1. List of tested forages in Adegbola, A.A., Smith, O.B. and Okeudo, N.J., 1986. Responses of West African Dwarf sheep fed cassava peel and poultry manure based diets. Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural By-Product Materials as Animal Feed Resources in Africa, p.357..a.
Forage Part Study area Sample size CP CF ASH EE NFE Cited Reference
SUNDRIED HEN-CAGE MANURE FECES Nigeria - 23.00 11.89 22.11 1.00 42.00 -

a. Standardized values.