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MammalBase - Reference: Wolf, P., Häbich, A.C., Bürkle, M. and Kamphues, J., 2007. Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 91(5?6), pp.282-288.

Reference: Wolf, P., Häbich, A.C., Bürkle, M. and Kamphues, J., 2007. Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 91(5?6), pp.282-288.

Reference: Wolf, P., Häbich, A.C., Bürkle, M. and Kamphues, J., 2007. Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 91(5?6), pp.282-288.
Type: journal-article
First author: Wolf, P.
Year: 2007
Title: Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets
Container title: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
Volume: 91
Issue: 5-6
Page(s): 282-288
Citation: Wolf, P., Häbich, A.C., Bürkle, M. and Kamphues, J., 2007. Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 91(5?6), pp.282-288.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2007.00706.x

Table 1. List of tested forages in Wolf, P., Häbich, A.C., Bürkle, M. and Kamphues, J., 2007. Basic data on food intake, nutrient digestibility and energy requirements of lorikeets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 91(5?6), pp.282-288..a.
Forage Part Study area Sample size CP CF ASH EE NFE Cited Reference
APPLES FRUIT FRUIT - - 3.25 4.05 1.78 0.09 90.83 -
POWDER FOR ‘LORY SOUP’ NONE NONE - - 17.81 1.79 5.29 5.28 69.83 -
POLLEN POLLEN Tenerife Spain - 19.09 3.04 1.88 7.31 68.68 -

a. Standardized values.