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MammalBase - Proximate Analysis in: , , Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R., Hunter, M.L. and Dean, W.R.J., 2002. The feeding ecology of Rüppell's Parrot, Poicephalus rueppellii, in the Waterberg, Namibia. Ostrich, 73(3-4), pp.127-134.,

Proximate Analysis in: , , Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R., Hunter, M.L. and Dean, W.R.J., 2002. The feeding ecology of Rüppell's Parrot, Poicephalus rueppellii, in the Waterberg, Namibia. Ostrich, 73(3-4), pp.127-134.,

Proximate Analysis in: , , Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R., Hunter, M.L. and Dean, W.R.J., 2002. The feeding ecology of Rüppell's Parrot, Poicephalus rueppellii, in the Waterberg, Namibia. Ostrich, 73(3-4), pp.127-134.,
Reference: , , Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R., Hunter, M.L. and Dean, W.R.J., 2002. The feeding ecology of Rüppell's Parrot, Poicephalus rueppellii, in the Waterberg, Namibia. Ostrich, 73(3-4), pp.127-134.,
Method: -
Location: Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia
Study time: 17 months (January 1996 to May 1997) 1996
Cited reference: -

Table 1. List of tested forages.a.
Forage Part Study area Sample size CP CF ASH EE NFE Cited Reference
ACACIA HEBECLADA SEEDS SEED Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 43.20 3.56 6.41 4.76 42.07 -
ACACIA KAROO SEEDS SEED Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 60.92 2.34 6.85 4.24 25.65 -
ACACIA TORTILIS SEEDS SEED Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 52.57 4.07 5.67 3.07 34.62 -
ARYTAINA MOPANE EXUDATE EXUDATES Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 2.90 5.85 2.81 1.35 87.09 -
FAIDHERBIA ALBIDA PODS (IMMATURE) SEED Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 16.27 15.26 3.67 0.93 63.87 -
FICUS SYCOMORUS FRUITS FRUIT Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 8.11 23.39 6.15 5.11 57.24 -
TERMINALIA PRUNIOIDES SEEDS SEED Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 42.54 4.40 6.05 34.12 12.89 -
XIMENIA AMERICANA LEAVES LEAF Waterberg Plateau Park Namibia - 9.57 8.02 10.51 2.94 68.96 -

a. Standardized values.