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MammalBase - Accepted taxon: Papio cynocephalus

Accepted taxon: Papio cynocephalus

Accepted taxon: Papio cynocephalus
Taxon: Papio cynocephalus
Rank: Species
Higher Classification: PRIMATES | HAPLORRHINI | SIMIIFORMES | Cercopithecoidea | Cercopithecidae | Cercopithecinae | Papio
Reference: Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), JHU Press, 2005.

Fig.1 - Ternary plot of the proximate analysis for the Papio cynocephalus diet.
CF (Crude Fibre) 12, ASH (Ash contents) 8, NFE (Nitrogen-Free-Extract) 41, CP (Crude Protein) 30, EE (Ether Extract) 7. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 1. List of Diet Items for Papio cynocephalus.
TSN Complete name Part Ratio a. Reference(s)
Lepus capensis WHOLE 22.22 Nowak,R. …
Magnoliopsida SEED 11.90 Damuth, J…
Mammalia WHOLE 11.11 Nowak,R. …
Magnoliopsida FRUIT 7.14 Damuth, J…
Magnoliopsida BARK 5.95 Damuth, J…
Coniferophyta EXUDATES 4.76 Damuth, J…
Magnoliopsida ROOT 2.38 Damuth, J…
Salvadoraceae FRUIT 2.21 Bentley-C…
Brachiaria SHOOT 2.07 Bentley-C…
Phoenix reclinata FRUIT 1.36 Bentley-C…
Cyperus digitatus SHOOT 1.33 Bentley-C…
Hyphaene SHOOT 1.30 Bentley-C…
Cenchrus ciliaris SHOOT 1.28 Bentley-C…
Plantae SHOOT 1.25 Bentley-C…
Arthropoda WHOLE 1.19 Damuth, J…
Cyperus rotundus SHOOT 1.16 Bentley-C…
Nymphaea X thiona FLOWER 1.13 Bentley-C…
Cynodon dactylon SHOOT 1.11 Bentley-C…
Grewia FRUIT 1.08 Bentley-C…
Sporobolus SHOOT 1.05 Bentley-C…
Digitaria milanjiana SHOOT 1.02 Bentley-C…
Acacia robusta FLOWER 0.96 Bentley-C…
Garcinia livingstonei FRUIT 0.94 Bentley-C…
Magnoliopsida BUD 0.91 Bentley-C…
Alangiaceae FRUIT 0.85 Bentley-C…
Cordia sinensis FRUIT 0.82 Bentley-C…
Sapindaceae FRUIT 0.79 Bentley-C…
Talinum portulacifolium SHOOT 0.77 Bentley-C…
Anacardiaceae FRUIT 0.74 Bentley-C…
Diospyros mespiliformis FRUIT 0.71 Bentley-C…
Mimusops FRUIT 0.68 Bentley-C…
Eucalyptus EXUDATES 0.65 Bentley-C…
Securinega FRUIT 0.62 Bentley-C…
Spermatophytina SEED 0.60 Bentley-C…
Ficus natalensis FRUIT 0.57 Bentley-C…
Violaceae FRUIT 0.54 Bentley-C…
Hibiscus lunariifolius FLOWER 0.51 Bentley-C…
Tragia FRUIT 0.48 Bentley-C…
Indigofera colutea SEED 0.45 Bentley-C…
Manilkara FRUIT 0.43 Bentley-C…
Saba FRUIT 0.40 Bentley-C…
Oncoba spinosa FRUIT 0.37 Bentley-C…
Ficus sycomorus FRUIT 0.34 Bentley-C…
Simaroubaceae FRUIT 0.31 Bentley-C…
Phyllanthus FRUIT 0.28 Bentley-C…
Rubiaceae FRUIT 0.26 Bentley-C…
Plantae LEAF 0.23 Bentley-C…
Tephrosia SEED 0.20 Bentley-C…
Sapotaceae FRUIT 0.17 Bentley-C…
Jasminum fluminense FRUIT 0.14 Bentley-C…
Albizia gummifera FRUIT 0.11 Bentley-C…
Terminalia FRUIT 0.09 Bentley-C…
Plantae FRUIT 0.06 Bentley-C…
Tamarindus indica FRUIT 0.03 Bentley-C…

a. Standardized values. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 2. List of Standard Traits for Papio cynocephalus.
Trait Selected Value All Value(s) Reference(s)
Dietary category: Miljutin 2009 Frugivore Frugivore Katharine…
Locomotion: Eisenberg 1981 Terrestrial Terrestrial Katharine…

Table 3. List of Standard Measurements for Papio cynocephalus.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
Body Mass (BM) nan g 3 3 - - - 19,700 - - Engelman,…
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - - 19,484 - - Lundgren,…
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - 5,443 - 50,000 - Freudenth…
Head-Body Length (HBL) nan mm - - - - - 753 - - Engelman,…
Occipital condyle width (OCW) nan mm 3 3 - - - 35.5 - - Engelman,…

Table 4. List of other Measurements b. for Papio cynocephalus.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
brainmass nan g - - - - - 156 - - Engelman,…
skull_length nan mm - - - - - 182 - - Engelman,…
femur circumference nan mm - - - - - 57 - - Nelson, A…
humerus circumference nan mm - - - - - 55 - - Nelson, A…
Femur maximum length (FML) The distance from the most superior point on the femoral head to the most inferior aspect of the medial condyle. nan mm 19 - - 19 250 268 286 10 Powell, V…
Femur maximum length (FML) The distance from the most superior point on the femoral head to the most inferior aspect of the medial condyle. nan mm 18 - 18 - 208 220 239 8 Powell, V…
Humerus maximum length (HML) The distance from the most superior point of the humeral head to the most distal point of the medial projection of the trochlea. nan mm 19 - - 19 216 228 244 9 Powell, V…
Humerus maximum length (HML) The distance from the most superior point of the humeral head to the most distal point of the medial projection of the trochlea. nan mm 18 - 18 - 178 188 208 7 Powell, V…
Radius maximum length (RML) The distance between the most superior point on the radial head to the most distal point of the styloid process. nan mm 19 - - 19 228 243 259 10 Powell, V…
Radius maximum length (RML) The distance between the most superior point on the radial head to the most distal point of the styloid process. nan mm 18 - 18 - 188 200 218 7 Powell, V…
Tibia maximum length (TML) The distance from most superior point of the intercondylar eminence to the most distal aspect of the medial malleolus. nan mm 19 - - 19 218 233 250 10 Powell, V…
Tibia maximum length (TML) The distance from most superior point of the intercondylar eminence to the most distal aspect of the medial malleolus. nan mm 18 - 18 - 185 193 211 6 Powell, V…

b. other Measurements. Source Measurements which are not listed on or mapped with the Standard Traits..

Table 5. List of Data Sources for Papio cynocephalus.
Taxon Reference Match Status
Papio cynocephalus Milton,K., 1976, Body weight, diet and home range area in primates, Nature 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio hamadryas (cynocephalus) Damuth, J. 2010. ABSOLUT 6 a mammalian database compiled by the national center for ecological analysis and synthesis (NCEAS ) workshop on mammalian communities. 50: Synonym Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Bentley-Condit,V. K., 2009, Food choices and habitat use by the Tana River yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus): a preliminary report on five years of data, American Journal of Primatology 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Engelman, R.K., 2022. Occipital condyle width (OCW) is a highly accurate predictor of body mass in therian mammals. BMC biology, 20(1), p.37. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Lundgren, E.J., Schowanek, S.D., Rowan, J., Middleton, O., Pedersen, R.Ø., Wallach, A.D., Ramp, D., Davis, M., Sandom, C.J. and Svenning, J.C., 2021. Functional traits of the world’s late Quaternary large-bodied avian and mammalian herbivores. Scientific data, 8(1), p.17. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Nelson, A., Engelman, R.K. and Croft, D.A., 2023. How to weigh a fossil mammal? South American notoungulates as a case study for estimating body mass in extinct clades. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 30(3), pp.773-809. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Powell, V.C., Barr, W.A., Hammond, A.S. and Wood, B.A., 2024. Behavioral and phylogenetic correlates of limb length proportions in extant apes and monkeys: Implications for interpreting hominin fossils. Journal of Human Evolution, 190, p.103494. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Papio cynocephalus Freudenthal, M. and Martín-Suárez, E., 2013. Estimating body mass of fossil rodents. Scripta Geologica, 145, pp.1-513. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted

Citation for this page: [The MammalBase community 2025. / CC BY 4.0. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7462864 Papio cynocephalus , Accessed 24th February 2025 at https://mammalbase.net/me/6028]