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MammalBase - Accepted taxon: Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi

Accepted taxon: Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi

Accepted taxon: Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi
Taxon: Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi
Rank: Subspecies
Higher Classification: ARTIODACTYLA | Giraffidae | Giraffa | camelopardalis | tippelskirchi
Reference: Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), JHU Press, 2005.

Table 1. List of Diet Items for Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi.
TSN Complete name Part Ratio a. Reference(s)
There are no Diet Items available.

a. Standardized values. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 2. List of Standard Traits for Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi.
Trait Selected Value All Value(s) Reference(s)

Table 3. List of Standard Measurements for Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - - 845,380 - - Wimberly,…

Table 4. List of other Measurements b. for Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
A1-MLL (maximum lateral length of the astragalus) nan mm 3 3 - - 107 111 114 5 Wimberly,…
A2-MML (maximum medial length of the astragalus) nan mm 3 3 - - 92 95 97 3 Wimberly,…
A3-MIN (minimal length of the astragalus) nan mm 3 3 - - 76 78 80 2 Wimberly,…
A4-WAT (width at tarsus of the astragalus) nan mm 3 3 - - 69 74 79 8 Wimberly,…
A5-WAF (width at trochlea of the astragalus) nan mm 3 3 - - 71 74 77 4 Wimberly,…
C1-UL (greatest length of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 205 209 212 5 Wimberly,…
C2-TL (length of body of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 130 132 133 2 Wimberly,…
C3-MBH (midbody height of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 61 65 70 6 Wimberly,…
C4-MBTV (midbody transverse width of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 35 37 38 2 Wimberly,…
C5-FFL (fibular facet length of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 48 50 52 3 Wimberly,…
C6-CNFL (cubonavicular facet length of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 55 62 70 11 Wimberly,…
C7-HSF (height of sustentacular facet of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 42 44 46 3 Wimberly,…
C8-HST (height of sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus) nan mm 3 3 - - 68 70 73 4 Wimberly,…
F1-UL (full length of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 470 509 547 38 Wimberly,…
F2-FL (functional length of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 477 513 547 35 Wimberly,…
F3-MCF (midshaft circumference of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 179 195 214 18 Wimberly,…
F4-PW (proximal width of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 162 178 198 18 Wimberly,…
F5-MLHW (mediolateral femoral head of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 82 86 93 6 Wimberly,…
F6-APHW (anteroposterior femoral head of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 66 69 74 4 Wimberly,…
F7-DW (distal width of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 140 150 163 12 Wimberly,…
F8-MPL (medial condyle and patellar lip of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 191 205 224 17 Wimberly,…
F9-LPL (lateral condyle and patellar lip of the femur) nan mm 3 3 - - 143 148 156 7 Wimberly,…
H1-UL (full length of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 461 501 536 38 Wimberly,…
H2-FL (functional length of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 436 475 513 38 Wimberly,…
H3-MCF (midshaft circumference of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 213 236 264 26 Wimberly,…
H4-MTH (largest medial height of trochlea of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 61 65 71 6 Wimberly,…
H5-MidTH (smallest height of trochlea of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 48 51 57 5 Wimberly,…
H6-LTH (largest lateral height of trochlea of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 60 65 71 6 Wimberly,…
H7-PW (proximal width of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 141 155 168 13 Wimberly,…
H8-MLH (mediolateral humeral head width of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 118 121 125 3 Wimberly,…
H9-DW (distal width of the humerus) nan mm 3 3 - - 132 141 152 10 Wimberly,…
MC1-UL (length of the metacarpus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 740 - - Wimberly,…
MC2-MAP (anteroposterior midshaft of the metacarpus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 55 - - Wimberly,…
MC3-MML (mediolateral midshaft of the metacarpus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 63 - - Wimberly,…
MC4-DW (distal width of the metacarpus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 113 - - Wimberly,…
MC5-PW (proximal width of the metacarpus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 110 - - Wimberly,…
MT1-UL (length of the metatarsus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 735 - - Wimberly,…
MT2-MAP (anteroposterior midshaft of the metatarsus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 56 - - Wimberly,…
MT3-MML (mediolateral midshaft of the metatarsus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 61 - - Wimberly,…
MT4-DW (distal width of the metatarsus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 108 - - Wimberly,…
MT5-PW (proximal width of the metatarsus) nan mm 3 3 - - - 97 - - Wimberly,…
R1-UL (length of the radius) nan mm 3 3 - - 720 772 800 45 Wimberly,…
R2-PW (full proximal width of the radius) nan mm 3 3 - - 135 141 150 8 Wimberly,…
R3-NPW (width of humeral articular surface of the radius) nan mm 3 3 - - 118 123 133 8 Wimberly,…
R4-DW (distal width of the radius) nan mm 3 3 - - 123 135 147 12 Wimberly,…
S1-L (full length of the scapula) nan mm 3 3 - - 602 605 608 5 Wimberly,…
S2-GW (greatest cranio-caudal length of the scapula) nan mm 3 3 - - 264 268 273 6 Wimberly,…
S3-SW (shortest length of scapular neck of the scapula) nan mm 3 3 - - 96 97 97 0 Wimberly,…
S4-GH (anteroposterior glenoid fossa of the scapula) nan mm 3 3 - - 94 99 104 7 Wimberly,…
S5-GW (mediolateral glenoid fossa of the scapula) nan mm 3 3 - - 85 88 91 4 Wimberly,…
T1-L (full length of the tibia) nan mm 3 3 - - 548 585 615 34 Wimberly,…
T2-MCF (midshaft circumference of the tibia) nan mm 3 3 - - 185 209 238 27 Wimberly,…
T3-PW (proximal width of the tibia) nan mm 3 3 - - 155 164 173 9 Wimberly,…
T4-DW (distal width of the tibia) nan mm 3 3 - - 110 116 123 6 Wimberly,…
U1-UL (length of the ulna) nan mm 3 3 - - 835 885 915 44 Wimberly,…
U2-OPL (olecranon process length of the ulna) nan mm 3 3 - - 111 123 135 12 Wimberly,…

b. other Measurements. Source Measurements which are not listed on or mapped with the Standard Traits..

Table 5. List of Data Sources for Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi.
Taxon Reference Match Status
Giraffa tippelskirchi Wimberly, A.N., 2023. Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements. Journal of Morphology, 284(10), p.e21636. 3: Genus, Species = Master genus, subspecies Verified - Accepted

Citation for this page: [The MammalBase community 2024. / CC BY 4.0. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7462864 Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi: , Accessed 16th September 2024 at https://mammalbase.net/me/15808]