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MammalBase - Accepted taxon: Muntiacus crinifrons

Accepted taxon: Muntiacus crinifrons

Accepted taxon: Muntiacus crinifrons
Taxon: Muntiacus crinifrons
Rank: Species
Higher Classification: ARTIODACTYLA | Cervidae | Cervinae | Muntiacus
Reference: Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), JHU Press, 2005.

Fig.1 - Ternary plot of the proximate analysis for the Muntiacus crinifrons diet.
CF (Crude Fibre) 12, ASH (Ash contents) 4, NFE (Nitrogen-Free-Extract) 27, CP (Crude Protein) 5, EE (Ether Extract) 2. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 1. List of Diet Items for Muntiacus crinifrons.
TSN Complete name Part Ratio a. Reference(s)
Magnoliopsida STEM 33.33 Smith,A. …
Magnoliopsida LEAF 26.67 Smith,A. …
Magnoliopsida SHOOT 20.00 Smith,A. …
Poaceae STEM 13.33 Smith,A. …
Magnoliopsida FRUIT 6.67 Smith,A. …

a. Standardized values. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 2. List of Standard Traits for Muntiacus crinifrons.
Trait Selected Value All Value(s) Reference(s)
Dietary category: Eisenberg 1981 Herbivore-Browser Herbivore-Browser Abraham, …
Dietary category: Miljutin 2009 Herbivore Herbivore Abraham, …

Table 3. List of Standard Measurements for Muntiacus crinifrons.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - - 19,000 - - Meiri, S.…
Body Mass (BM) nan g 23 - - 23 - 23,100 - - Nelson, A…
Body Mass (BM) nan g 20 - 20 - - 24,100 - - Nelson, A…
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - 18,300 - 36,100 - Freudenth…
Head-Body Length (HBL) nan mm 23 - - 23 - 1,039 - - Nelson, A…
Head-Body Length (HBL) nan mm 20 - 20 - - 1,058 - - Nelson, A…

Table 4. List of other Measurements b. for Muntiacus crinifrons.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
Length of the Masseteric Fossa cm 4 4 - - - 10 - - Quibod, M…
Muzzle Width cm 4 4 - - - 3 - - Quibod, M…
Total Length of the Skull cm 4 4 - - - 22 - - Quibod, M…
average ungulate dietary grass fraction (proportional) nan unitless - - - - - 0 - - Abraham, …

b. other Measurements. Source Measurements which are not listed on or mapped with the Standard Traits..

Table 5. List of Data Sources for Muntiacus crinifrons.
Taxon Reference Match Status
Muntiacus crinifrons Grzimek,B., 2003, Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals I-V, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Smith,A. T., 2010, A guide to the mammals of China, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Quibod, M.N.R.M., Gélin, U., van Langevelde, F. and Tomlinson, K.W., 2023. Diet-specific responses of skull traits to aridity gradients in bovids and cervids. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, p.zlad068. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Abraham, J.O., Upham, N.S., Damian-Serrano, A. and Jesmer, B.R., 2022. Evolutionary causes and consequences of ungulate migration. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6(7), pp.998-1006. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Lundgren, E.J., Schowanek, S.D., Rowan, J., Middleton, O., Pedersen, R.Ø., Wallach, A.D., Ramp, D., Davis, M., Sandom, C.J. and Svenning, J.C., 2021. Functional traits of the world’s late Quaternary large-bodied avian and mammalian herbivores. Scientific data, 8(1), p.17. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Meiri, S., Raia, P. and Phillimore, A.B., 2011. Slaying dragons: limited evidence for unusual body size evolution on islands. Journal of Biogeography, 38(1), pp.89-100. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Nelson, A., Engelman, R.K. and Croft, D.A., 2023. How to weigh a fossil mammal? South American notoungulates as a case study for estimating body mass in extinct clades. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 30(3), pp.773-809. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Muntiacus crinifrons Freudenthal, M. and Martín-Suárez, E., 2013. Estimating body mass of fossil rodents. Scripta Geologica, 145, pp.1-513. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted

Citation for this page: [The MammalBase community 2025. / CC BY 4.0. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7462864 Muntiacus crinifrons , Accessed 23rd February 2025 at https://mammalbase.net/me/15738]