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MammalBase - Accepted taxon: Lycalopex vetulus

Accepted taxon: Lycalopex vetulus

Accepted taxon: Lycalopex vetulus
Taxon: Lycalopex vetulus
Rank: Species
Higher Classification: CARNIVORA | CANIFORMIA | Canidae | Lycalopex
Reference: Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), JHU Press, 2005.

Fig.1 - Ternary plot of the proximate analysis for the Lycalopex vetulus diet.
CF (Crude Fibre) 8, ASH (Ash contents) 8, NFE (Nitrogen-Free-Extract) 23, CP (Crude Protein) 44, EE (Ether Extract) 16. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 1. List of Diet Items for Lycalopex vetulus.
TSN Complete name Part Ratio a. Reference(s)
Arthropoda WHOLE 20.00 Trovati, …
Rodentia WHOLE 20.00 Nowak,R. …
Aves WHOLE 15.00 Nowak,R. …
Plantae FRUIT 15.00 Trovati, …
Poaceae STEM 10.00 Trovati, …
Orthoptera WHOLE 10.00 Nowak,R. …
Insecta WHOLE 5.00 Nowak,R. …
Reptilia WHOLE 5.00 Trovati, …

a. Standardized values. See details for the calculations in Lintulaakso, K., Tatti, N. and Žliobaitė, I., 2022. Quantifying mammalian diets. Mammalian Biology, pp.1-15. [DOI]

Table 2. List of Standard Traits for Lycalopex vetulus.
Trait Selected Value All Value(s) Reference(s)
Dietary category: Eisenberg 1981 Carnivore Carnivore,Insectivore-Omnivore A. R. Fri…
Dietary category: Miljutin 2009 Animalivore Animalivore A. R. Fri…
Locomotion: Eisenberg 1981 Terrestrial Terrestrial Paglia,A.…

Table 3. List of Standard Measurements for Lycalopex vetulus.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)
Body Mass (BM) Brazil g - - - - - 4,000 - - Paglia,A.…
Body Mass (BM) nan g - - - - 2,500 - 5,370 - Freudenth…

Table 4. List of other Measurements b. for Lycalopex vetulus.
Measurement Location Unit n Total n Unknown n Female n Male Min Mean Max SD Reference(s)

b. other Measurements. Source Measurements which are not listed on or mapped with the Standard Traits..

Table 5. List of Data Sources for Lycalopex vetulus.
Taxon Reference Match Status
Lycalopex vetulus Friscia,AR, 2006, An ecomorphological analysis of extant small carnivorans, Journal of zoology 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lycalopex vetulus Paglia,A. P., 2012, Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil 2ª Edição Annotated Checklist of Brazilian Mammals, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lycalopex vetulus Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lycalopex vetulus Trovati, Roberto Guilherme, C. B. Campos, and B. A. Brito. "Nota sobre convergência e divergência alimentar de canídeos e felídeos (Mamalia: Carnivora) simpátricos no Cerrado brasileiro." Neotropical Biology and Conservation 3, no. 2 (2008): 95-100. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lycalopex vetulus Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world, 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted
Lycalopex vetulus Freudenthal, M. and Martín-Suárez, E., 2013. Estimating body mass of fossil rodents. Scripta Geologica, 145, pp.1-513. 1: Exact Taxon match Verified - Accepted

Citation for this page: [The MammalBase community 2024. / CC BY 4.0. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7462864 Lycalopex vetulus , Accessed 27th October 2024 at https://mammalbase.net/me/14521]