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MammalBase - Standard Trait value: diurnal

Standard Trait value: diurnal

Standard Trait value: diurnal
Standard Trait: Taxon: Temporal habits (n/a)
Standard Trait value: diurnal
Display order: 20
Table 1. List of Source Trait values related with diurnal.
Published Trait Trait value Reference
Taxon - Activity diurnal Djagoun,S., 2009, Small carnivorans from southern Benin: a preliminary assessment of diversity and hunting pressure, Small Carnivore Conservation
Taxon - AC = activity pattern D = diurnal Gittleman,J. L., 1985, Carnivore body size: ecological and taxonomic correlates, Oecologia
Taxon - Temporal habits Di, at least partially diurnal Medellín,R. A., 1994, Mammal diversity and conservation in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico, Conservation Biology
Taxon - Nocturnal Diurnal Musser,G. G., 2002, Sulawesi rodents: description of a new genus and species of Murinae (Muridae, Rodentia) and its parasitic new species of sucking louse (Insecta, Anoplura), American Museum Novitates
Taxon - Activity pattern Diurnal Musser,G. G., 2010, Systematic review of endemic Sulawesi squirrels (Rodentia, Sciuridae), with descriptions of new species of associated sucking lice (Insecta, Anoplura), and phylogenetic and zoogeographic assessments of sciurid lice, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Taxon - Diurnal Basically Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Generally Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Mainly Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Mostly Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Partly Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Primarily Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal Yes Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Diurnal 1-2 hours before, 1-2 hours after Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Taxon - Activity Diurnal Ray,J., 2001, Trophic relations in a community of African rainforest carnivores, Oecologia
Taxon - Nocturnal Diurnal Ryan,J. M., 1993, Activity patterns of two species of Nesomys (Muridae: Nesomyinae) in a Madagascar rain forest, Journal of Tropical Ecology