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MammalBase - Standard Trait value: Arboreal

Standard Trait value: Arboreal

Standard Trait value: Arboreal
Standard Trait: Taxon: Locomotion: Eisenberg 1981 (n/a)
Standard Trait value: Arboreal
Display order: 80
Description: Category 8 includes forms that spend most of their life in trees as well as those we might consider nearly obligatory in their arboreal adaptation, such as the sloths, Bradypus and Choloepus.
Table 1. List of Source Trait values related with Arboreal.
Published Trait Trait value Reference
Taxon - Substrate 2) Arboreal McNab,B. K., 1986, The influence of food habits on the energetics of eutherian mammals, Ecological Monographs
Taxon - Substrate 2) Arboreal frugivores McNab,B. K., 1986, The influence of food habits on the energetics of eutherian mammals, Ecological Monographs
Taxon - ZN = zonation A = arboreal Gittleman,J. L., 1985, Carnivore body size: ecological and taxonomic correlates, Oecologia
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Arends,A., 2001, The comparative energetics of ‘caviomorph’rodents, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Taxon - Locomotion type Arboreal Samuels,J. X., 2008, Skeletal indicators of locomotor adaptations in living and extinct rodents, Journal of Morphology
Taxon - Locomotion type Gliding Samuels,J. X., 2008, Skeletal indicators of locomotor adaptations in living and extinct rodents, Journal of Morphology
Taxon - Locomotor Arboreal Paglia,A. P., 2012, Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil 2ª Edição Annotated Checklist of Brazilian Mammals,
Taxon - Spatial habits Ar, primarily arboreal Medellín,R. A., 1994, Mammal diversity and conservation in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico, Conservation Biology
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Endo,H., 2003, Morphological adaptation of the skull for various behaviors in the tree shrews, Journal of veterinary medical science
Taxon - Locomotion Arboreal Vieira,E. M., 2003, Carnivory and insectivory in Neotropical marsupials, Predators with pouches: the biology of carnivorous marsupials
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Musser,G. G., 2010, Systematic review of endemic Sulawesi squirrels (Rodentia, Sciuridae), with descriptions of new species of associated sucking lice (Insecta, Anoplura), and phylogenetic and zoogeographic assessments of sciurid lice, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Taxon - Locomotor Adaptation Arboreal Samuels, Joshua X., and Blaire Van Valkenburgh. “Skeletal Indicators of Locomotor Adaptations in Living and Extinct Rodents.” J. Morphol. 269, no. 11 (November 2008): 1387–1411. doi:10.1002/jmor.10662.
Taxon - Locomotor Adaptation Gliding Samuels, Joshua X., and Blaire Van Valkenburgh. “Skeletal Indicators of Locomotor Adaptations in Living and Extinct Rodents.” J. Morphol. 269, no. 11 (November 2008): 1387–1411. doi:10.1002/jmor.10662.
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Musser,G. G., 2002, Sulawesi rodents: description of a new genus and species of Murinae (Muridae, Rodentia) and its parasitic new species of sucking louse (Insecta, Anoplura), American Museum Novitates
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Ryan,J. M., 1993, Activity patterns of two species of Nesomys (Muridae: Nesomyinae) in a Madagascar rain forest, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Taxon - Locomotion Arboreal Milton,K., 1976, Body weight, diet and home range area in primates, Nature
Taxon - Locomotion type Arboreal Clark,CJ, 2001, The Role of Arboreal Seed Dispersal Groups on the Seed Rain of a Lowland Tropical Forest1, Biotropica
Taxon - Locomotion Arboreal Adler,G. H., 2011, Spacing patterns and social mating systems of echimyid rodents, Journal of mammalogy
Taxon - Locomotion type Arboreal Ray,J., 2001, Trophic relations in a community of African rainforest carnivores, Oecologia
Taxon - Substrate Arboreal Sargis,E. J., 2004, New views on tree shrews: the role of tupaiids in primate supraordinal relationships, Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews
Taxon - Locomotion Arboreal Lee,A. K., 1985, Evolutionary ecology of marsupials,
Taxon - Nail-claw claw-bearing arboreal mammals Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Nail-claw nail-bearing arboreal mammals Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Locomotion Glide Hayssen,V., 2008, Patterns of body and tail length and body mass in Sciuridae, Journal of mammalogy
Taxon - Locomotion Tree Hayssen,V., 2008, Patterns of body and tail length and body mass in Sciuridae, Journal of mammalogy
Taxon - Locomotion type tree-climber Djagoun,S., 2009, Small carnivorans from southern Benin: a preliminary assessment of diversity and hunting pressure, Small Carnivore Conservation
Taxon - Substrate claw-bearing arboreal mammals Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Substrate nail-bearing arboreal mammals Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Locomotion Gliding Jackson,S. M., 2002, Glide angle in the genus Petaurus and a review of gliding in mammals, Mammal Review
Taxon - Arboreal locomotor specialisation Saltatorial Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Arboreal locomotor specialisation Slow-moving Soligo,C., 2006, Adaptive origins of primates revisited, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - LOCOMOTOR HABIT Arboreal Carvalhaes, J.G., Tavares, W.C., do Val Vilela, R. and D’Andrea, P.S., 2022. Phylogenetic, Allometric, and Ecological Factors Affecting Morphological Variation in the Scapula and Humerus of Spiny Rats (Rodentia: Echimyidae). Journal of Mammalian Evolution, pp.1-18.
Taxon - Locomotion Arboreal Weisbecker, V., Beck, R.M., Guillerme, T., Harrington, A.R., Lange-Hodgson, L., Lee, M.S., Mardon, K. and Phillips, M.J., 2023. Multiple modes of inference reveal less phylogenetic signal in marsupial basicranial shape compared with the rest of the cranium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1880), p.20220085.
Taxon - Locomotory categories arboreal Ferreira, J.D., Rinderknecht, A., de Moura Bubadué, J., Gasparetto, L.F., Dozo, M.T., Sánchez-Villagra, M.R. and Kerber, L., 2024. Unveiling the neuroanatomy of Josephoartigasia monesi and the evolution of encephalization in caviomorph rodents. Brain Structure and Function, pp.1-15.