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MammalBase - Standard Trait value: -Undefined

Standard Trait value: -Undefined

Standard Trait value: -Undefined
Standard Trait: Taxon: Dietary category: Eisenberg 1981 (n/a)
Standard Trait value: -Undefined
Display order: 999
Table 1. List of Source Trait values related with -Undefined.
Published Trait Trait value Reference
Taxon - Dietary group 0 = prey other than insect Brigham,R. M., 1991, Prey detection, dietary niche breadth, and body size in bats: why are aerial insectivorous bats so small?, The American Naturalist
Taxon - Dietary class 1 = Omnivore Ma, H., Ge, D., Shenbrot, G., Pisano, J., Yang, Q. and Zhang, Z., 2016. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Preferences and Habitats. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, pp.1-10.
Taxon - Dietary class 3 = Generalist herbivore Ma, H., Ge, D., Shenbrot, G., Pisano, J., Yang, Q. and Zhang, Z., 2016. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Preferences and Habitats. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, pp.1-10.
Taxon - Dietary class 4 = Specialist herbivore Ma, H., Ge, D., Shenbrot, G., Pisano, J., Yang, Q. and Zhang, Z., 2016. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Preferences and Habitats. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, pp.1-10.
Taxon - Substrate 2) Arboreal McNab,B. K., 1986, The influence of food habits on the energetics of eutherian mammals, Ecological Monographs
Taxon - Substrate 3) Terrestrial McNab,B. K., 1986, The influence of food habits on the energetics of eutherian mammals, Ecological Monographs
Taxon - Dietary group omnivory (O) Schondube,J. E., 2001, Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in phyllostomid bats, Zoology
Taxon - Diet group Om Mendoza,M., 2008, Hypsodonty in ungulates: an adaptation for grass consumption or for foraging in open habitat?, Journal of zoology
Taxon - Dietary group C = carnivore Ojeda,R. A., 2001, Mammals in South American drylands: faunal similarity and trophic structure, Global Ecology and Biogeography
Taxon - Dietary group H = herbivore Ojeda,R. A., 2001, Mammals in South American drylands: faunal similarity and trophic structure, Global Ecology and Biogeography
Taxon - Dietary group O = omnivore Ojeda,R. A., 2001, Mammals in South American drylands: faunal similarity and trophic structure, Global Ecology and Biogeography
Taxon - Diet group O omnivore SAMUELS,J. X., 2009, Cranial morphology and dietary habits of rodents, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Taxon - Diet group GH generalist herbivore SAMUELS,J. X., 2009, Cranial morphology and dietary habits of rodents, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Taxon - Diet group SH specialist herbivore SAMUELS,J. X., 2009, Cranial morphology and dietary habits of rodents, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Taxon - Dietary group O Omnivore Kelt,D. A., 1996, Community structure of desert small mammals: comparisons across four continents, Ecology
Taxon - Diet H Herbivore Cofre,H., 1999, Conservation status, rarity, and geographic priorities for conservation of Chilean mammals: an assessment, Biological Conservation
Taxon - Diet O Omnivore Cofre,H., 1999, Conservation status, rarity, and geographic priorities for conservation of Chilean mammals: an assessment, Biological Conservation
Taxon - Dietary group Omni/hard Friscia,AR, 2006, An ecomorphological analysis of extant small carnivorans, Journal of zoology
Taxon - Diet Omnivore Paglia,A. P., 2012, Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil 2ª Edição Annotated Checklist of Brazilian Mammals,
Taxon - Dietary group onmivorous Djagoun,S., 2009, Small carnivorans from southern Benin: a preliminary assessment of diversity and hunting pressure, Small Carnivore Conservation
Taxon - Dietary group O = Omnivore Milton,K., 1976, Body weight, diet and home range area in primates, Nature
Taxon - DT = diet O = omnivorous Gittleman,J. L., 1985, Carnivore body size: ecological and taxonomic correlates, Oecologia
Taxon - DT = diet S Gittleman,J. L., 1985, Carnivore body size: ecological and taxonomic correlates, Oecologia
Taxon - Diet group Herbivore/faunivore Sponheimer,M., 2001, The oxygen isotope composition of mammalian enamel carbonate from Morea Estate, South Africa, Oecologia
Taxon - Dietary group omnivore Abu Baker,M., 2010, Patterns in the local assembly of Egyptian rodent faunas: Areography and species combinations, Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde
Taxon - Dietary group Herbivore Bergström,A., , Small mammal diversity in Kalahari,
Taxon - Diet group Mycophagous Taylor,R. J., 1992, Seasonal changes in the diet of the Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia gaimardi), a mycophagous marsupial, Journal of mammalogy
Taxon - DietGroup Omnivore López‐Aguirre, C., Ratcliffe, J.M. and Silcox, M.T., 2023. Interplay of diet and sympatry in the morphological evolution of noctilionoid bats. Journal of Biogeography.
Taxon - Diet group Omnivorous Selig, K.R., López-Torres, S., Burrows, A.M., Silcox, M.T. and Meng, J., 2024. Dental caries in living and extinct strepsirrhines with insights into diet. The Anatomical Record.
Taxon - Diet (specific) Omnivore Grossnickle, D.M., Sadier, A., Patterson, E., Cortés-Viruet, N.N., Jiménez-Rivera, S.M., Sears, K.E. and Santana, S.E., 2024. The hierarchical radiation of phyllostomid bats as revealed by adaptive molar morphology. Current Biology.
Taxon - Diet Generalist DeMers, A.C., 2023. Functional Significance of the Mandible, Tooth Roots, and Tooth Crowns, and their Implications for Fossil Dietary Inference (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).