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MammalBase - Standard Trait value: Herbivore-Grazer

Standard Trait value: Herbivore-Grazer

Standard Trait value: Herbivore-Grazer
Standard Trait: Taxon: Dietary category: Eisenberg 1981 (n/a)
Standard Trait value: Herbivore-Grazer
Display order: 140
Description: Category 14 includes species that have specialized for feeding grasses. Unlike the preceding category, leafy material is less frequently included in the diet. All gradations between categories 13 and 14 may be found (see Eisenberg 1978; Hofmann and Stewart 1972). I would typify a member of category 14 as a grazer and a member of category 13 as a browser.
Table 1. List of Source Trait values related with Herbivore-Grazer.
Published Trait Trait value Reference
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Clauss,M., 2002, Faecal particle size distribution in captive wild ruminants: an approach to the browser/grazer dichotomy from the other end, Oecologia
Taxon - Diet group grazer Clauss,M., 2005, Tannin-binding salivary proteins in three captive rhinoceros species, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Taxon - Diet group GR = grass roughage eater Mysterud,Atle, 2000, The Relationship between Ecological Segregation and Sexual Body Size Dimorphism in Large Herbivores, Oecologia
Taxon - Diet group F. Grass and forbs McNab,B. K., 1986, The influence of food habits on the energetics of eutherian mammals, Ecological Monographs
Taxon - Diet category H/G, herbivore/grazer, at least 50% of diet is leaves Medellín,R. A., 1994, Mammal diversity and conservation in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico, Conservation Biology
Taxon - Diet group Gr Mendoza,M., 2008, Hypsodonty in ungulates: an adaptation for grass consumption or for foraging in open habitat?, Journal of zoology
Taxon - Diet group FG Mendoza,M., 2008, Hypsodonty in ungulates: an adaptation for grass consumption or for foraging in open habitat?, Journal of zoology
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Bodmer,R. E., 1990, Ungulate frugivores and the browser-grazer continuum, Oikos
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Johnson,CN, 2004, Extinctions of herbivorous mammals in the late Pleistocene of Australia in relation to their feeding ecology: No evidence for environmental change as cause of extinction, Austral Ecology
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Symon,DE, 1986, A survey of Solanum prickles and marsupial herbivory in Australia, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Gordon,IJ, 1988, Incisor arcade structure and diet selection in ruminants, Functional Ecology
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Clauss,M., 2010, Convergence in the macroscopic anatomy of the reticulum in wild ruminant species of different feeding types and a new resulting hypothesis on reticular function, Journal of zoology
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Smith,J. A., 2009, Macropod nutrition, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice
Taxon - Diet group HZ Robinson,John G., 1986, Body Size, Diet, and Population Density of Neotropical Forest Mammals, The American Naturalist
Taxon - Dietary group herbivore grazer Lee,A. K., 1985, Evolutionary ecology of marsupials,
Taxon - Diet Herbivore grazer Paglia,A. P., 2012, Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil 2ª Edição Annotated Checklist of Brazilian Mammals,
Taxon - Diet group grass eater Loison,A., 1999, What factors shape sexual size dimorphism in ungulates?, Evolutionary Ecology Research
Taxon - Diet group Herbivore-grazer Sponheimer,M., 2001, The oxygen isotope composition of mammalian enamel carbonate from Morea Estate, South Africa, Oecologia
Taxon - Food Grass Arends,A., 2001, The comparative energetics of ‘caviomorph’rodents, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Taxon - Dietary group Grass Gomes Rodrigues,H., 2009, Dental microwear patterns of extant and extinct Muridae (Rodentia, Mammalia): ecological implications, Naturwissenschaften
Taxon - Diet group Grazer Weber,M., 2003, Latin American deer diversity and conservation: A review of status and distribution, Ecoscience
Taxon - Dietary group GR include grass in their diet Casanovas-Vilar,I., 2011, Late Miocene insular mice from the Tusco-Sardinian palaeobioprovince provide new insights on the palaeoecology of the< i> Oreopithecus</i> faunas, Journal of human evolution
Taxon - Diet consensus category Grazer Arman, S.D. and Prideaux, G.J., 2015. Dietary classification of extant kangaroos and their relatives (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea). Austral ecology, 40(8), pp.909-922.
Taxon - Diet Category Grazer Quibod, M.N.R.M., Gélin, U., van Langevelde, F. and Tomlinson, K.W., 2023. Diet-specific responses of skull traits to aridity gradients in bovids and cervids. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, p.zlad068.
Taxon - Feeding guild Grazer Abraham, J.O., Upham, N.S., Damian-Serrano, A. and Jesmer, B.R., 2022. Evolutionary causes and consequences of ungulate migration. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6(7), pp.998-1006.