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MammalBase - Food Item: POLLEN

Food Item: POLLEN

Food Item: POLLEN
Food Item: POLLEN
TSN Complete name: Magnoliopsida
Accepted hierarchy: Plantae-Viridiplantae-Streptophyta-Embryophyta-Tracheophyta-Spermatophytina-Magnoliopsida

Table 1. Summary list of mean Proximate Analysis values (DM basis) grouped by analysed forage part and the Itis TSN hierarchy assigned for POLLEN. a.
Hierarchy: TSN - Complete Name: Part: Crude Protein (CP): Crude Fibre (CF): Ash: Ether Extract (EE): Nitrogen-Free-Extract (NFE): n Taxa: n References: n Analysis:
Plantae-Viridiplantae-Streptophyta-Embryophyta-Tracheophyta-Spermatophytina-Magnoliopsida 18063 - Magnoliopsida POLLEN 25.08 6.88 2.27 3.51 62.26 3 3 3

a. Please note that all values are in Standardized format.