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MammalBase - Diet Sets

Diet Sets

Taxon Location Method Period Months Reference
Acerodon mackloti Timor - - 12 Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Acinonyx jubatus - - - 12 Damuth, J. 2010. ABSOLUT 6 a mammalian database compiled by the national center for ecological analysis and synthesis (NCEAS ) workshop on mammalian communities.
Acinonyx jubatus - - - 12 Grzimek,B., 2003, Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals I-V,
Acinonyx jubatus - - - 12 Krausman, P.R. and Morales, S.M., 2005. Acinonyx jubatus. Mammalian Species, pp.1-6.
Acinonyx jubatus - - - 12 Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Acomys - - - 12 Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Acomys - - - 12 Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,
Acomys cahirinus - - - 12 Damuth, J. 2010. ABSOLUT 6 a mammalian database compiled by the national center for ecological analysis and synthesis (NCEAS ) workshop on mammalian communities.
Acomys cahirinus - - - 12 Grzimek,B., 2003, Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals I-V,
Acomys cahirinus GEBEL DRUNKA - Rare cases 12 Nowak,R. M., 1991, Walker's mammals of the world,